LIFEryhthm Plant

This project visualizes the unseen rhythms of daily life by transforming personal patterns and biometric data into new visual art. It generates virtual plants that reflect each participant's life rhythm, helping them intuitively understand their life patterns and deepen their self-awareness.

Various TimescalesA person's life can be quantitatively analyzed across various timescales. To visualize life rhythms, we use transport card data (Long-Scale) and heart rate data (Short-Scale). Transport card data shows commuting and movement patterns, while heart rate data reflects momentary physical states and emotional changes. By combining these different rhythms, virtual plants that reflect each participant's life rhythm are generated.

By inputting transport card and heart rate data, virtual plants that reflect each participant's life rhythms are generated and grow based on the received data. The growth and changes of the plants reflect daily life and bodily rhythms, allowing participants to visually and sensorially experience the interaction between nature and data.